Business Winning Institute

The Business Winning Institute (BWI) is a dedicated practice area within Shipley, centered on the Business Development Capability Maturity Model (BD-CMM®).
Our mission is to be the global leaders in the advancement of business winning management practices, which we achieve in collaboration with our international industry partners.
BWI supports the global Shipley network in helping clients achieve sustainable business winning success, primarily through:
For more information contact:
Paul Deighton, BWi Executive Director,; or Amy McGeady, Shipley Sr Vice President Strategic Services,
® Capability Maturity Model, CMM, and CMMI are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office by ISACA

Client Feedback & Validation
Clients from various industries are improving performance and reaching key benchmark levels.
BD-CMM, a Maturity Model
Where is your organization on the business development maturity scale?

Training & Events
Build competence and increase skills to maximize business development capability.
Appraisal Services
Build competence and increase skills to maximize business development capability.

Available Partner Programs
BWI offers a variety of partner options to qualified individuals.