Price-to-Win & Competitive Assessment
With customers having access to competitive information through new, web-based services, and focusing more on price, arriving at a competitive position and price-to-win on major sales opportunities is critical.
Shipley Associates has a wealth of experience working with strategic analysis providers to offer clients a comprehensive solution for preparing to compete on a major, strategic opportunity. The assessment reviews customer, competitor, and program trends; budgets; ratios; spending histories, and other elements necessary to determine a price-to-win.
This service generally involves these phases—always working closely with client SMEs and leadership.
Phase 1: Customer Assessment
What is the customer seeking? What challenges, issues, motivators are behind the potential solicitation?
Phase 2: Competitive Assessment
What is the competitive landscape associated with the opportunity and program? Who will compete? Why? What might they offer?
Phase 3: Price to Win Analysis
What is the spending history on this program if it is a re-compete? What has been budgeted? Forecasted?
The goal is always to seek the Win Zone based on accurate findings. By getting a reliable, independent assessment, you will gain a competitive advantage with unbiased, factual data and analysis to help you compete. Deliverables include an executive briefing with all analytical data–complete with a findings and recommendation report.

"As a small business, we were looking for a tool that would give us an edge over our competition. The Shipley Proposal Guide has given us that competitive advantage. The Guide's organization is intuitive, information relevant, and has quickly become the most powerful tool in our proposal development arsenal."
Why Shipley?
Contact Shipley today to discuss how we can support your needs.