Digital Business Growth Capability Maturity Model (BG-CMM)
Digital Business Growth Capability Maturity Model (BG-CMM)

The digital Capability Maturity Model® for Business Growth (BG-CMM or BG3) is relevant for anyone involved at the front end of the business development lifecycle, where an organization’s strategic direction is defined, presence in the marketplace is established, and existing or prospective customers are engaged to procure the organization’s offerings.
The BG-CMM model is especially targeted at those who are responsible for developing opportunities, managing business growth/sales and marketing activities, implementing BD practices, and assuring continuing growth and viability in the organization’s marketplace(s).
The BG-CMM also guides organizations that are experiencing critical changes, whether these are the result of downsizing, mergers, acquisitions, rapid growth, or major transitions in strategic direction. In addition, it is useful to managers who want to guide their organizations and personnel in growth best practices, as well as to those attempting to understand the capability and maturity of their business growth operations.