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Business Development
Business Winning Tips
July 22, 2024

7 Reasons AI Training Transforms Adoption from Struggle to Success

Forward-looking business development leaders and Swiss-army-knife proposal professionals know that generative AI is the new gamechanger like Cloud collaboration was and even word processing software before that. If you want to not only become your proposal center’s AI wizard but also know how to lead your organization to realize the astounding advantages of AI adoption, then the BD.ai 1-day online workshop is for you.

Business Development
October 4, 2022

Problem/Solution—Our potential customers are not turning into actual customers

Much of effective, customer-focused capture involves gathering information on the opportunity and then maintaining it. A capture team has no substitute for good opportunity intelligence...How can you show customer focus without knowing what your customer cares about?

Business Development
February 15, 2022

An Agile Approach to Agility

Agility is a fundamental principle of winning business. When it comes to capture and proposal efforts, you must be able to adapt to changes as they come...

Business Development
September 14, 2021

Do the Work, Don't Rework

For some people, efficiency is synonymous with speed. Sometimes there is very little time from when the RFP drops to the submission deadline, and this means the proposal team must work very hard and very quickly to prepare a proposal for submission. However, efficiency is not just doing things as quickly as possible. It is also about doing things right the first time, so you do not waste time on rework.

Business Development
July 20, 2021

We Won the Task Order Master Contract! Now What?

Winning a task order master contract is not easy! Typically, many people have worked many hours (and many after-hours) to help our organization win this master contract...

Business Development
June 22, 2021

Building Trust and Business Winning

Yes, a proposal must persuade the customer and help lead them to a buying decision. But the words and visuals on the page or screen don’t tell the whole story. There’s much more to winning business than developing a compliant, compelling, and persuasive proposal...

Business Development
May 18, 2021

Why Your Proposals Don’t Win

This is one of the most common questions in our industry. The funny thing is most people and organizations want to create all sorts of complex dynamics, conspiracy theories, dreams, fables, and excuses as to why their proposals fail to win and why their win rates and capture ratios are so low...

Business Development
November 10, 2020

Business Development: A Novel Perspective

In every novel there’s a problem to solve. For most business development opportunities, a proposal is submitted as a solution to a customer’s problem. But the similarities between the most common three-act novel structure and the business development lifecycle don’t end there...

Business Development
Business Winning Tips
January 7, 2020

Business Development Leadership

All business development leaders must balance priorities such as time, resources, and short-term vs. long-term objectives. In your business culture, do you expect to win?

Business Development
November 19, 2019

Using Consultants: What’s the ROI?

Choosing to engage someone outside of your organization for proposal support is a decision that can significantly change the success of your business.

Business Development
October 9, 2019

On the Hunt for a New Market

Hunting involves many decisions and steps before you actually take a shot. These preliminary steps prepare a hunter to experience the most success. Similarly, when a business is just starting out, you must be on the hunt for opportunities that will sustain your organization.

Business Development
May 29, 2019

In Business Development, Milestones Matter

When measuring business development success, it’s not about the process—it’s about winning. Winning means outscoring your opponent. How you get there is less important than getting there.

Business Development
August 29, 2018

What Makes Your Business Go?

From tailored workshops to experienced Shipley consultants, the ways for Shipley to help you win business are endless.