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Business Winning Tips
February 2, 2021

Problem/Solution - Bid Decisions

You’re responding to a lot of RFPs but not winning much business.Many companies believe that casting a wide net and submitting proposals for every opportunity that comes their way will increase revenue. However, this is not the case. Responding to every RFP can spread your resources and proposal team thin, leading to poor proposals and less business overall.

Business Winning Tips
January 5, 2021


How do you move from an unknown position to a favored position?...

Business Winning Tips
December 8, 2020

Supporting the Proposal

Supporting the proposal while continuing your capture activities is essential to ensuring capture and proposal strategies are aligned and implemented in the proposal...

Business Winning Tips
November 3, 2020

Capture Planning

Capture planning is the process of identifying opportunities, assessing the environment, and devising and implementing winning strategies oriented toward capturing a specific business opportunity...

Business Winning Tips
October 6, 2020

5 Ways to Communicate Your Win Strategy

A proposal strategy is a plan to write a persuasive, winning proposal that sets you apart from your competitors. Proposal strategy must align with the capture strategy in order to create win themes that tell the story...

Business Winning Tips
September 1, 2020

Proposal Strategy

A proposal strategy is a plan to write a persuasive, winning proposal that sets you apart from your competitors. Proposal strategy must align with the capture strategy in order to create win themes that tell the story...

Business Winning Tips
July 7, 2020

Developing Effective Theme Statements

Theme statements are not sales slogans, like the catchy phrases most commonly seen in consumer marketing. They are based on customer hot buttons and motivators.

Business Winning Tips
June 1, 2020

Color Team Reviews

Color team reviews are business development milestones at which experts and managers work to improve the win potential of pursuits. Done correctly, they are a cost effective way to improve the overall success of your capture planning and proposal development efforts.

Business Winning Tips
May 5, 2020

Writing Dos and Don’ts

Proposal writing is different from general business or technical writing. It includes elements of compliance and persuasion that aren’t always part of basic writing.

Business Winning Tips
April 7, 2020

Virtual Proposal Team Management

More than ever, virtual proposal teams are both increasingly common and necessary. Proposal managers must complete the same tasks in a virtual environment that are required when managing a co-located team. The increased challenges are most often communication and accountability. . .

Business Winning Tips
March 4, 2020


Discriminators are features of your offer or solution that differ from a competitor’s offer and are acknowledged by the customer as important. Both conditions must be met.

Business Winning Tips
February 4, 2020

Capture Management

Capture (opportunity) management requires careful and precise execution of a well-developed capture plan. Developing the plan is important. Executing the plan is difficult but essential. Capture managers are generally made, not born. Most organizations develop capture managers internally as they gain awareness of company strategies for growth or market positioning. The capture manager is generally the primary person responsible for winning or losing opportunities and directs customer contact before, during, and after a proposal is submitted.

Business Development
Business Winning Tips
January 7, 2020

Business Development Leadership

All business development leaders must balance priorities such as time, resources, and short-term vs. long-term objectives. In your business culture, do you expect to win?

Business Winning Tips
December 17, 2019

Proofreading, Editing, and Revising

Proposals go through several iterations and reviews before final submission not the customer. Careful and thorough proofreading, editing, and revising help you focus on complying with customer requirements and convey a clear sales message.

Business Winning Tips
November 5, 2019

Customer Focus in Proposals

What characteristics make one proposal more customer-focused than another proposal? Do different individuals perceive customer focus differently? Do individuals with different cultural backgrounds or positions perceive customer focus differently?

Business Winning Tips
October 2, 2019

Bid Decisions

Bid decisions are decisions gate reviews triggered by ongoing customer or opportunity intelligence. The opportunity manager (or capture manager) along with management determines whether to advance, defer, or end the pursuit. The decision hinges on whether you have the capability or can obtain the resources to pursue and subsequently capture an opportunity that meets your business objectives.

Business Winning Tips
September 4, 2019

The Proposal Executive Summary

Executive Summaries are often the most important sections in a proposal. They set the tone for individual evaluators and are sometimes the only pages read by the decision makers.

Business Winning Tips
August 21, 2019

Storyboards and Mockups

Storyboards and Mockups are planning tools used to develop and review new content before writing text. Like any tool, they should save time and improve quality to justify their use...

Business Winning Tips
July 10, 2019

Proposal Planning

Planning before writing saves more time than it takes. In parallel with ongoing capture planning activities, plan and validate your proposal plan before you begin writing new material or tailoring reuse material.

Business Winning Tips
June 5, 2019

Business Development Lifecycle

A cycle is a progression through a series of stages leading to a desired result. In business development, the lifecycle is about winning business. You’re not winning just any business, but business that is sustainable and profitable that helps the organization meet its objectives.

Business Winning Tips
May 8, 2019

Seven Attributes of an Effective Proposal

The quality and competitiveness of a proposal depend on a number of criteria. How well did you comply with the customer’s bid instructions? How did you respond to the requirements and issues that drove the procurement? ...

Business Winning Tips
April 24, 2019

Sharpening Your Competitive Edge

How you propose your solutions to the customer can give your company a competitive edge.

Business Winning Tips
April 17, 2019

Proposal Graphics

Graphics are one of the most effective ways to persuade the customer to select your solution. Graphics convey both facts and emotion, equally important aspects of effective persuasion. Effective graphics improve evaluator retention and understanding.

Business Winning Tips
March 27, 2019

The Importance of the Value Proposition

Value propositions establish customer value based on the business relationship. They describe how the seller’s solutions will improve the customer’s business and how that improvement with be measured. Value propositions are opportunity and customer specific and are developed collaboratively with the customer throughout the pursuit cycle...