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Business Winning Tips
February 13, 2019

Proposal Management Plan

The Proposal Management Plan (PMP) documents the roles, responsibilities, tasks, schedules, and deadlines before contributors start developing proposal sections, volumes, and ultimately the complete proposal. The plan becomes the “evergreen” guide to keep the team on track and accountable.

Business Winning Tips
February 6, 2019

Mitigating Virtual Proposal Teams

In the current work climate, telecommuting is increasingly more common, and virtual proposal teams are on the rise. Having team meetings and completing tasks via electronic interactions does not change your goal of preparing a winning proposal. It simply changes the mode of communication and increases the need for clarity.

Business Winning Tips
January 22, 2019

Stop Wasting Money on Proposals

Are you wasting money on proposals? Did you know you may be wasting money on proposals? Many things can be draining your proposals of value and earnings.

Business Winning Tips
December 11, 2018

Writing Clear Proposals

Few things damage a proposal faster than poor writing. This doesn’t just mean just watching out for misspelled words and improper grammar. There are other things to consider when crafting your proposals.

Business Winning Tips
November 6, 2018

Business Winning Tip: Capture Planning

Capture Planning is the process of identifying the opportunities, assessing the environment, and devising and implementing winning strategies oriented toward capturing a specific business opportunity. Consistently successful capture planning requires a written, action-oriented capture plan.

Business Winning Tips
October 10, 2018

Business Winning Tip: Proposal Kickoff Meetings

Kickoff meetings are critical milestones that require careful core team planning followed by flawless execution. Good kickoff meetings inspire a team, poor ones can demoralize a team.

Business Winning Tips
September 11, 2018

Business Winning Tip: Compliance and Responsiveness

Compliance and responsiveness are often confused, so let’s discuss the definition of each. Proposals can be responsive but not compliant, or compliant but non-responsive.

Business Winning Tips
August 14, 2018

5 Ways to Boost Your Efficiency and Save Money

Many proposal efficiencies happen before the writing. These few steps can mean the difference between a rewarding win or a costly loss.

Business Winning Tips
August 7, 2018

Characteristics of Winning Proposals

A winning proposal begins with a solid capture strategy—the primary goal being to increase the Probability of Win (P-Win) to justify investing resources in a sales pursuit. All organizations have limited resources (people, time, and money) and must carefully identify which opportunities offer the best chance of becoming new business.

Business Winning Tips
July 13, 2018

Be Bold: Use Active Voice in Your Proposals

Active and passive voice sentences both convey action, but active sentences are more persuasive, decisive, and confident. Use active voice unless you have a good reason to choose passive voice...

Business Winning Tips
June 12, 2018

Business Winning Tip: Creating a Proposal Outline

You've done your homework on a strategic opportunity. You know the customer; you know who likely competitors are; and you know what solutions you'll offer on the competitive bid. Now what?